Wednesday, March 28, 2007

emma darnell

nancy and i attended the city of atlanta NPU (neighborhood planning unit) meeting for our district D tues night. it was a big deal b/c the main agenda was the TAD (tax allocation district) that city of atlanta is batting with fulton county district 5 commissioner Emma Darnell. she insists of 40% affordable housing restriction on the district funding while all other TADs had either 0% or 20% restriction. this has stalled a lot of developments in the transitional area we are living at.

wsb (channel 2) news was there and did a story live during lunch and after the meeting at 11pm tues night (couldn't find link). we almost made the camera.

neal boortz is in this thing too - her producer actually lives in the neighborhood. a meeting normally has 30 attendees turns into 300+ last night b/c of this issue.

comcast and the-story local newspaper is in this too.

hopefully things will move forward..


alright obviously these 3rd person impressionation are not working, so i am going to start writing my stuff in 1st person. i don't think nancy even know the log-in id and password for our blog.

amazingly, i finished the half marathon this past sunday without stopping except for getting water a couple of times. my unofficial time is 2:21:08 (10:45 min mile pace) posted on the ING Georgia Marathon website. i kept pace with alex for 11.5 miles and then he left me in the dust. overall i thought ING did a pretty good job with choosing the course through some very nice neighborhoods within city of atlanta and with the whole marathon thing for the first time in atl. i am sure they will work out the kinks for next year. i heard from runners that it is one of the harder course b/c of all the hills. being a first time half marathon runner, i have to say a right fit pair of shoes and running socks make a huge difference.

Friday, March 23, 2007

13 miles!?!!

is jeff really going to do it? the ING Georgia Marathon (& half marathon) is this Sunday. before this jeff has ran a few 10Ks (years ago) that he barely finished and has since retired. jeff didn't really train for this half marathon until a few weeks ago with alex. last sunday they actually trained for 10 miles without a trip to the ER. well we will see if they actually do it this sunday, dark and early, in atlanta. for those of you in atlanta, local tv channel 11Alive has the coverage or of course you can go online to track if jeff and alex will really show up.