Wednesday, March 28, 2007

emma darnell

nancy and i attended the city of atlanta NPU (neighborhood planning unit) meeting for our district D tues night. it was a big deal b/c the main agenda was the TAD (tax allocation district) that city of atlanta is batting with fulton county district 5 commissioner Emma Darnell. she insists of 40% affordable housing restriction on the district funding while all other TADs had either 0% or 20% restriction. this has stalled a lot of developments in the transitional area we are living at.

wsb (channel 2) news was there and did a story live during lunch and after the meeting at 11pm tues night (couldn't find link). we almost made the camera.

neal boortz is in this thing too - her producer actually lives in the neighborhood. a meeting normally has 30 attendees turns into 300+ last night b/c of this issue.

comcast and the-story local newspaper is in this too.

hopefully things will move forward..

1 comment:

Jerry said...

I have heard of "Queen Emma Darnell" from Neal Boortz. You are in for a fight because the "Queen" usually gets her way from what I hear because the other board members are apparently afraid of her. If she doesn't get her 40%, she would rather see the entire development initiative fail. Good luck!